Bodø in spring. Photo: Kent Even Grundstad

IASSA Declaration on Indigenous Knowledge

On June 9, 2017, ICASS IX hosted and Indigenous Knowledge roundtable discussion organized by the Indigenous Peoples Secretariat. 

The panelists of the roundtable have developed the following statement:

Indigenous Knowledge provides a foundation for individual and collective well-being of past, present, and future generations of Arctic Indigenous Peoples. This knowledge system holds inherent value and methodologies, functions and validation processes.  Indigenous Knowledge empowers communities throughout the circumpolar north to significantly advance our understanding, intellectual performance and management of the Arctic.

We are thankful that IASSA has invited and showcased issues and topics that are inclusive and community driven.  IASSA has demonstrated their willingness to expand the ways in which Indigenous scholars and Indigenous Knowledge holders are engaged. By providing a platform that brings together a holistic and meaningful conversation, this progress will continue within IASSA and beyond.

Moving forward we suggest the following actions that can be supported by IASSA, individual IASSA members and the broader research community:

  1. Revise IASSA research principles to explicitly include Indigenous Knowledge.

  2. Clearly declare and ensure permanent support for Indigenous Knowledge within IASSA as defined by Indigenous Peoples, e.g. the development and supporting an Indigenous Knowledge Working Group or task force.

  3. Produce a white paper synthesizing existing national and international ethical protocols for the engagement of Indigenous Knowledge and Indigenous communities.

  4. Work with Indigenous Knowledge holders to develop best practices for the engagement and utilization of Indigenous Knowledge and Indigenous Knowledge holders within Arctic research.

  5. Sponsor and facilitate Indigenous Knowledge workshop(s), early career training opportunities or other engagement formats within IASSA.

  6. Advocate for Indigenous Knowledge engagement by other Arctic research organizations, at the international and national levels (Arctic Council, IASC, national funding agencies, those that define research needs and other appropriate organizations).

  7. Investigate methods that position Indigenous communal oral histories as being of equal value to peer-reviewed science in Arctic studies.

In addition, we call on individual researchers to ask themselves: What Can I Do?

Indigenous Knowledge round table panelists:

Carolina Behe, Inuit Circumpolar Council

Åsa Larsson Blind, Saami Council

Liza Mack, Aleut International Association

Professor Dr. Svein Disch Mathiesen, UArctic Institute for Circumpolar Reindeer Husbandry at International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry, Saami University of Applied Science and UIT Arctic University of Norway 

 Dr. Andrey Petrov, University of Iowa, Yukon College, IASSA

Moderator: Dr. Noor Johnson, Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge in the Arctic

The statement as pdf.

Directories and Guides

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Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS)


Research Funding Opportunities



Journals, Newsletters and Listservs

Acta Borealia

Arctic Anthropology 

Arctic Journal

Arctic Science

ArcticInfo - a listserv maintained by the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS)

Northern Notes - IASSA newsletter

The Arctic Caribou - about the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou

The Journal of Northern Studies

The Northern Review

Polar Geography

The Polar Journal

Polar Record

Polar Research

Polar Science

Witness the Arctic



Alaska Native Knowledge Network (ANKN)

Arctic Council

Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS)

Canadian Polar Commission

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)

Inuit Circumpolar Council

Inuit Tapirisat of Canada - site specifically on skilled Inuit assisting northern researchers

Nunavut Arctic College

Polar Continental Shelf Project (PCSP) - a well-established provider of logistical services in Arctic Canada

Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON)

Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON)

Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA)

Svalbard Images - news, maps, pictures and webcams of Spitsbergen and Svalbard


Research Groups and Programs

Arctic Circumpolar Route - this site honours and connects Arctic peoples and their traditions to each other and the rest of the world


Canadian Circumpolar Institute

Human Role in Reindeer/Caribou Systems

International Union of Circumpolar Health

Internatinal Arctic Science Committee - Social and Human Working Group

Northern Contaminants Program (NCP)

Tuvaaluk: Multimedia expedition on Nunavik Prehistory

University of the Arctic

If you wish to add a website to these lists, please contact IASSA Secrerariat.

You can also go to the Arctic Portal link page> for more links.


Ninth International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences: People and Place (ICASS IX)

You find the website that was used for ICASS IX here, including programme and list of sessions.

List of all registered participants.



ICASS IX media


The ICASS IX film

IASSA Presidents - past, present and future


ICASS IX - Opening ceremony


ICASS IX - Plenar - Arctic Science Through Metrics Lenses – Analyzing National & Global Trends


Plenar - An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Society and Climate Sensitive Infections


Plenar - Indigenous perspectives on knowledge


Plenar - What is the role of education?


Plenar - Extractive Resource Development and Sustainability in the Arctic


Plenar - IASSA General Assembly


Plenar - Closing Ceremony


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1. Topics should be related to professional interests of Arctic social scientists. 

2. All those posting items to the list should include a name and email address with their contributions. Otherwise, subscribers will not know who sent the message or how to respond to you personally.

3. Some subscribers may not be able to receive attachments over this listserv, so if you send attachments please include all necessary information in the message as well.

4. Comments or suggestions about this list should be sent to IASSA Secretariat.


About the IASSA listserver

This server list is designed for use by members and others interested in the goals of the International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA). The organization was founded in 1990 to represent Arctic social scientists in international contexts and to provide a network for social scientists working and/or living in the North. Among IASSA's objectives are efforts to ensure that social sciences research is carried out in accordance with ethical principles approved by indigenous peoples and other Northern residents. IASSA also seeks to develop and enhance educational programs that will provide northern residents and those interested in the North with information necessary to improve social, economic, and political conditions in Northern communities.

Information, questions, and communications on this server list will deal broadly with issues affecting Arctic social sciences and with matters of interest to IASSA members. Contributions may include announcements of meetings or conferences, news about upcoming IASSA activities, information about new publications of interest to Arctic social scientists, job announcements, or requests for contacts regarding scholar investigations of particular topics. Postings should be those of interest to a wide audience.

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Contact Information

IASSA Secretariat

Nord University
Universitetsalleen 11
P.o. Box 1490
8049 BODØ

Phone:  +47 75 51 79 91

Contact information



Information on previous IASSA Secretariats can be found at the IASSA history page.


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Designed and hosted by Arctic Portal


  • Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
  • University of the Arctic
  • International Arctic Science Committee