call for nominations2

IASSA calls on all members to send in nominations for the elections that will be held at the General Assembly 2 June 2024 at the Arctic Congress Bodø 2024 / ICASS XI in Bodø, Norway.

Deadline for submitting statements is 20 May 2024.

Nominations will be announced at the latest on 27 May 2024.

The letter of nomination (2 pages max), signature page and curriculum vitae of the nominee should be sent as an e-mail attachment (pdf) to the IASSA Secretariat: 

Please note: If you are self-nominating for Council or any of the awards, you do not need signatures other than your own. 


Announcement document

See the attached Pdf for details regarding nominations. Click on the text below (opens in new window):


Nomination forms:

Nomination forms for IASSA President and IASSA Council are available for download here (opens in new window): 

Election of IASSA President and Council members at ICASSXI

Nomination forms for IASSA Awards for download here (opens in new window): 

Nomination Process (

Contact Information

IASSA Secretariat

Nord University
Universitetsalleen 11
P.o. Box 1490
8049 BODØ

Phone:  +47 75 51 79 91

Contact information



Information on previous IASSA Secretariats can be found at the IASSA history page.


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  • Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
  • University of the Arctic
  • International Arctic Science Committee