The IASSA Secretariat has released this spring's Northern Notes 60. The 60th iteration of Northern Notes includes a Letter from the President, an introduction to the candidates that are running for President and Council for 2024-2027, as well as a portrait and an overview of new publications. 

Read Northern Notes 60 here!


To vote for the candidates at the upcoming election, make sure to be a member of IASSA. Renew your membership here

Contact Information

IASSA Secretariat

Nord University
Universitetsalleen 11
P.o. Box 1490
8049 BODØ

Phone:  +47 75 51 79 91

Contact information



Information on previous IASSA Secretariats can be found at the IASSA history page.


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  • Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
  • University of the Arctic
  • International Arctic Science Committee